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D O N A T E 

Poetry education matters.

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Your donation supports more poetry for more kids!  Creating poetry together, sharing, being heard & listening respectfully to others can be a powerful step to overcoming loneliness and alienation, and can quickly lead to elevated feelings of belonging and well-being.

As of December 17th, we are 53% of the way to our goal of raising $75,000 by December 31st.  Help us close the gap!

Your donation supports more poetry for more kids!  Creating poetry together, sharing, being heard & listening respectfully to others can be a powerful step to overcoming loneliness & alienation, and can quickly lead to elevated feelings of belonging and well-being.



Bidrag er fradragsberettigede.  Vi er en 501 (c)(3)  - Skatte-id# 94-2977264.  


Din gave hjælper os med at give følgende: ​​

  • $1000 hjælper med at støtte produktionen af vores årlige statsdækkende antologi med børnepoesi

  • $800 placerer en digter-lærer i klasseværelset i 10 uger

  • 500 $ finansierer et 6-ugers ophold på en undertjent skole

  • $250 bringer en ny digter-lærer til vores årlige træningssymposium

  • $100 donerer vores årlige statsdækkende poesiantologi til 10 skolebiblioteker

  • $75 underviser i en digtesession på en lokal offentlig skole





We accept online transactions through Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, or by credit card.  Also - see many other creative ways to give, below. 

Vi accepterer online transaktioner via PayPal eller med kreditkort via PayPal-portalen.  Klik på den gule knap for at komme i gang:  

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We appreciate our donors! 
In celebration of our 60th birthday, please look forward to these gifts:

#1 All donors who give any amount (online or through the mail):

receive one, free digital download of our 2024, 60th anniversary poetry poster (instant for web donations.  Allow 30 day processing for mailed donations)

#3 All donors who give $500+ (online or through the mail):

receive gifts #1 and #2, as well as a paperback copy of our most recent statewide anthology of youth poetry, published November, 2024, mailed to you (Please include address with donation and allow 45 days for processing.)

#2 All donors who give $60+ (online or through the mail):

receive gift #1, as well as one, free digital download of our most recent statewide anthology of youth poetry, published November, 2024 (allow 30 days for processing)

DAF Direct currently facilitates grant recommendations from donors of Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®. More national and community foundation DAF sponsoring organizations may be added in the future.

After a DAF grant recommendation has been approved, 100% of the funds transfer to California Poets in the Schools, with no administration or transaction fees for using the DAF Direct service.

You can fill out the form to the left, or click here to start the process online. 

Other Ways to Donate:  

Corporate Sponsorships:


We offer opportunities for corporate sponsors to support projects and get benefits in return.  Visit our sponsorship page for more information. 

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Personlig check


Indgiv venligst din check til:  Californiske digtere i skolerne

Postadresse:   PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Bemærk: Dette er ny adresse pr. 7/1/18


Planlagt Give  

Mød din personlige filantropiske og økonomiske  mål gennem legacy planlægning. Kontakt din finansielle rådgiver for at finde en plan, der fungerer bedst for dig, og ring til os for at konfigurere din  planlagt at give donation.  

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Stock Charts in the Newspaper
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Matchende gaver  


Gang din  økonomiske donationer gennem et firmamatchende gaveprogram.  Kontakt dit Employee Benefits Office for at se, om din virksomhed har et deltagende program til dig eller din ægtefælle.  Din virksomhed er muligvis allerede på vores liste. Send venligst matchende gaveformularer til vores kontor:  PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA  95402 

Bemærk: Dette er ny adresse pr. 7/1/18


Store detailhandlere eller lokale virksomheder kan have etableret programmer, der giver procenter af salget til nonprofitorganisationer.  Amazon Smile og eScrip er to af mange.  Tjek med virksomheder, hvor du handler, for at se, om du kan udpege California Poets in the Schools som din foretrukne velgørenhedsorganisation.  

Gifts of Stock

We accept gifts of stock!  All gifts of stock to California Poets in the Schools are currently processed by the Marin Community Foundation, where we have a managed fund established. We will work with you to set up a gift to our CALIFORNIA POETS IN THE SCHOOLS - UNRESTRICTED FUND of the Marin Community Foundation.  Please contact Meg Hamill for more information:

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Du kan sende din donation via check udstedt til California Poets in the Schools til PO Box 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.  TAK SKAL DU HAVE!

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For at give en kreditkortdonation,  indtast et beløb via doner-knappen.

Hvis du gerne vil donere et fast beløb hver måned,  ring venligst til Meg

administrerende direktør på (415-221-4201) for at oprette din tilbagevendende donation.

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