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Skriv på ~ en generativ poesisamling

ons. 11. maj


Zoom møde

en prompt ~ 25 minutters skrivning ~ 25 minutters deling ~ ledet af CalPoets' poet-lærere og personale

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Skriv på ~ en generativ poesisamling
Skriv på ~ en generativ poesisamling

Tid og sted

11. maj 2022, 09.30 – 10.30

Zoom møde

Om eventet

California Poets in the Schools welcomes all poets, ages 18+ to Write On ~ a Generative Poetry Gathering, Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am on Zoom.  This supportive group is meant to help poets to foster their own writing practice, while also building community at the same time.  

Each session will include the offering of a writing prompt, followed by 25 minutes of writing time, and 25 minutes of sharing.  Sharing is optional.  Accepting feedback is optional.  Please keep in mind, depending on #'s of participants, there may not be time for each person to share each time.  

Terri Glass, longtime CalPoets' Poet-Teacher, will lead most Wednesdays.  When Terri cannot lead the group, another CalPoets' Poet-Teacher or staff will lead.

This is set up as a recurring event and the Zoom link will remain the same each week.  The Zoom link will be sent to those who register.  Reminders (including the Zoom link) will be sent each week only to those who are registered for that week's session.  

Note:  If you've participated in this generative gathering once, feel free to keep the link and log on automatically without re-registering.  Just keep in mind that you won't be sent reminders, unless you are actually registered for that week's session.  

Terri Glass is a writer of poetry, essay and haiku. She has taught widely in the Bay area for California Poets in the Schools for 30 years and served as their Program Director from 2008-2011. She is the author of a book of nature poetry, The Song of Yes, a chapbook of haiku , Birds, Bees, Trees, Love, Hee Hee from Finishing Line Press, an e-book, The Wild Horse of Haiku: Beauty in a Changing Form, available on Amazon, and book of poetry, Being Animal from Kelsay Books. Her work has appeared in Young Raven’s Literary Review, Fourth River, About Place, California Quarterly and many anthologies including Fire and Rain; Ecopoetry of California, and Earth Blessings.  She also has lesson plan guide called Language of the Awakened Heart available on her website, She continues to oversee the Marin program for CALPOETS and teaches in Marin and Del Norte counties.


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