Write On ~ a Generative Poetry Gathering
ons. 15. mar.
|Zoom Meeting
a prompt ~ 25 minutes of writing ~ 25 minutes of sharing ~ led by CalPoets' Poet-Teachers & staff

Tid og sted
15. mar. 2023, 09.30 – 10.30
Zoom Meeting
Om eventet
California Poets in the Schools welcomes all poets, ages 18+ to Wednesdays 9:30am-10:30am on Zoom. This supportive group is meant to help poets to foster their own writing practice, while also building community at the same time. Write On ~ a Generative Poetry Gathering,
Each session will include the offering of a writing prompt, followed by 25 minutes of writing time, and 25 minutes of sharing. Sharing is optional. Accepting feedback is optional. Please keep in mind, depending on #'s of participants, there may not be time for each person to share each time.
Terri Glass, longtime CalPoets' Poet-Teacher, will lead most Wednesdays. When Terri cannot lead the group, another CalPoets' Poet-Teacher or staff will lead.
This is set up as a recurring event and the Zoom link will remain the same each week. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. Reminders (including the Zoom link)…
Free Ticket
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0,00 US$