Poetry education matters.
Your donation supports more poetry for more kids! Creating poetry together, sharing, being heard & listening respectfully to others can be a powerful step to overcoming loneliness and alienation, and can quickly lead to elevated feelings of belonging and well-being.
Ko nga takoha ka taea te tango taake. He 501 (c)(3) matou - ID Taake # 94-2977264.
Ka awhina to koha ki a maatau ki te whakarato i nga mea e whai ake nei:
$1000 e awhina ana ki te tautoko i te whakaputanga o ta tatou pukapuka waiata a-tau mo nga whiti a nga tamariki
$800 ka tuu he kaitito-kaiako ki te akomanga mo nga wiki 10
$500 te moni mo te 6 wiki e noho ana ki tetahi kura kore rawa
$250 ka kawea mai tetahi kaitoi-kaiako hou ki ta matou Huihuinga whakangungu ia tau
$100 ka koha i ta matou pukapuka whiti a-tau puta noa i te motu ki nga whare pukapuka kura 10
$75 e whakaako ana i tetahi wahanga rotarota i roto i te kura whanui o te rohe
We accept online transactions through Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, or by credit card. Also - see many other creative ways to give, below.
Ka whakaaehia e matou nga whakawhitinga ipurangi ma te PayPal, ma te kaari nama ranei ma te tomokanga paypal. Patohia te paatene kowhai hei timata:

DAF Direct currently facilitates grant recommendations from donors of Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®. More national and community foundation DAF sponsoring organizations may be added in the future.
After a DAF grant recommendation has been approved, 100% of the funds transfer to California Poets in the Schools, with no administration or transaction fees for using the DAF Direct service.
You can fill out the form to the left, or click here to start the process online.
Other Ways to Donate:
Corporate Sponsorships:
We offer opportunities for corporate sponsors to support projects and get benefits in return. Visit our sponsorship page for more information.

Taki Whaiaro
Me utu to haki ki: California Poets in the Schools
Wāhitau Mēra: Pouaka Pouaka 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Tuhipoka: He wahi noho hou tenei mai i te 7/1/18

Ko te tuku i whakamaheretia
Me tutaki ki a koe nga mahi atawhai me te putea whāinga mā te whakamahere tuku iho. Korero atu ki to kaitohutohu putea ki te whakatau i tetahi mahere e pai ana mo koe ka waea mai ki a maatau ki te whakarite i to kaupapa kua whakamaheretia te tuku takoha.

Whakareatia to koha moni na roto i te kaupapa koha whakangao rangatōpū. Whakapa atu ki to Tari Whakawhiwhinga Kaimahi kia kite mena he kaupapa whai waahi to kamupene mo koe, mo to hoa rangatira ranei. Kei runga pea to kamupene i ta maatau rarangi ingoa. Tukuna mai nga puka koha e rite ana ki ta matou tari: Pouaka Pouaka 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Tuhipoka: He wahi noho hou tenei mai i te 7/1/18
Nga Taonga Kaihoko
Ko nga kaihokohoko nui, ko nga pakihi a-rohe pea kua whakatauhia he kaupapa e koha ana i te ōrau o te hoko ki nga whakahaere kore-moni. Ko Amazon Smile me eScrip e rua o te maha. Tirohia me nga pakihi kei hea koe e hokohoko ana ki te kite mena ka taea e koe te tohu Poets California i roto i nga Kura hei kaupapa aroha mou.
Gifts of Stock
We accept gifts of stock! All gifts of stock to California Poets in the Schools are currently processed by the Marin Community Foundation, where we have a managed fund established. We will work with you to set up a gift to our CALIFORNIA POETS IN THE SCHOOLS - UNRESTRICTED FUND of the Marin Community Foundation. Please contact Meg Hamill for more information: meg@cpits.org

Ka taea e koe te tuku koha ma te haki i tukuna ki California Poets in the Schools ki Pouaka Pouaka 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. MIHI!

Kaari nama
Ki te tuku koha kaari nama, whakauruhia he moni ma te paatene koha.
Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te koha i te moni tuturu ia marama, waea mai ki a Meg
Kaiwhakahaere Matua, i (415-221-4201) ki te whakarite i to koha auau.