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Kaute o Sonoma

Rangatahi Poet Laureate

Whakatuwhera inaianei te whakataetae

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Sonoma County Youth Poet Laureate, 2024-25

Lisa Zheng is a sophomore at Maria Carrillo High School.  She is a Poetry Out Loud class winner and a volunteer at the Charles Schulz museum in Santa Rosa.  In Lisa's own words: Poetry is an empty Google Doc or a fresh leaf of paper where I can escape the rigid rules of school essays and pour my rawest experiences out. I sometimes even translate prose into rhythmic ballads by the piano. I am a “word nerd”: I like the elegance of specific words together and experimenting with unconventional syntax…My main purpose behind writing these poems, besides personal catharsis, is to give a voice to the psychological turmoils that many teens experience that are often kept in the dark due to shame of admittance, and give them a dose of hope and cause for change.”



Sonoma County Youth Poet Ambassador 2024-25

Sabine Wolpert is a senior at Analy High School.  She is active in the leadership of many clubs including Analy Activist Club, Analy Zero Waste Club, Analy Eco Club, and more.  In her own words: "Writing is one of my favorites because it allows me to express myself and process the beautiful and vast world around me. Writing also allows me to explore new parts of myself and the things around me that I am curious about. I deeply value connection to the land and to the people around me. Growing up in community, I have truly learned the importance of this connection and how art can be a beautiful way to cultivate relationships. I hope to grow up to create a more positive and equitable world through whatever career I decide to pursue. Most of all, I want to chase joy and wonder."

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California Poets in the Schools Sees Next  

Rangatahi Poet Laureate o Sonoma County




Ko te whai a Sonoma County California Poets in the Schools ki te mihi ki tetahi tauira kua eke ki te hiranga o te whiti.  Mo tenei mutunga, ka whakaingoatia e matou te Kaiwaiata Poet Laureate o te Kaute o Sonoma hei te Mahuru, 2021.  Ka tautoko matou i tenei rangatahi hei kaihautu toi hou mo te kaunihera - e awhina ana ki te hiki ake i te ahua o te whiti me te whakawhanake i te hunga whakarongo.  


  • Me noho tenei tauira i waenga i te 13 me te 19 tau. 

  • Me noho ratou ki te kaunihera e whakaaro ana ka noho tonu ratou ki te kaunihera i waenga i Mahuru 2021 me Akuhata 2022.

  • Me whakaatu hoki i to raatau pono ki nga mahi toi tuhituhi me te whai waahi ki te hapori na roto i te whai waahi ki nga mahi tuuao me nga mahi hapori, nga karapu, nga mahi whai muri i te kura, me etahi atu mahi ako. 

  • Ka whakahaerehia e California Poets in the Schools tenei kaupapa hei hoa a rohe mo Urban Word.

  • Kotahi tau te roanga o te Poet Laureate Rangatahi, a, e tika ana kia uru atu ki nga huihuinga e wha neke atu. 

  • Ka whiwhi a YPL i te $500 te utu me te kirimana whakaputa mo te pukapuka chapbook o a raatau mahi, he tuhinga korero ranei kei roto i a raatau mahi me era atu whiringa toa.  


  • Ko nga whakaingoatanga YPL ka ahu mai i tetahi whakahaere, takitahi ranei. 

  • Me tango te tono , kia taia, hainatia me te tuku mai i mua i te 15 o Mahuru ma te imeera ki

  • Ka taea hoki te tono tono ki: California Poets in the Schools - Youth Poet Laureate Submission, Pouaka Pouaka 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

  • Ka tukuna e matou he tono ki nga tangata e tono ana.  Tena koa whakapā ki te tono.

  • Ma te tono, me tuku kia toru nga whiti a te tauira, kaua e neke ake i te tekau nga wharangi.   

  • Mo nga whiringa toa, me tuku he kaitautoko pakeke ki te tuku reta tautoko. 

  • Ka arotakehia e te komiti o nga kaitito whai mana o te rohe nga tono me te whiriwhiri i nga whiringa toa. 

  • Ka tonohia nga kaitono whakamutunga ki te haere ki tetahi huihuinga whakawa kia taea ai te aromatawai i to raatau kaha ki te whakaatu i a ratau whiti (me te tuhi oriori pai). 

  • Ka panuitia te toa hei te Mahuru, 2021


  • YPL nominations may come from any organization or individual. 

  • Application must be completed online. 

  • We will email or mail a hard copy application to anyone who requests one.  Please contact to request.

  • With the application, three of the student’s poems must be submitted, totaling no more than ten pages.   

  • For finalists, an adult sponsor will be required to provide a letter of support. 

  • A committee of respected local poets will review applications and choose finalists. 

  • A parent/guardian must sign the application for applicants under the age of 18.

  • Finalists will be asked to attend a judging session so that their ability to present their poems effectively (as well as writing good poems) can be assessed. 

  • The winner will be announced in April 2024.


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Te Kaiwaiata Rangatahi a Sonoma County, 2020-21

I mahi a Zoya Ahmed hei Kaiwaiata Rangatahi tuatahi mo te Kaute o Sonoma i te tau 2020-21. I haere a Zoya ki te Kura Tuarua o Maria Carrillo i Sonoma County. Kei te awhi a Zoya i ona ahuatanga rereke hei reanga tuatahi o Amerika ki te Tonga ki te Tonga, e rua ona pakiaka i Pakistan me Inia. Ko tenei taonga tuku iho karakara tona puku. Ia ra ka whakamanahia a Zoya ki te whakapau kaha ki te whakatutuki i ana whainga, ka whakaitihia e nga whai waahi ka whakawhiwhia ki a ia, me te whakatenatena ki te whakahoki ki te hapori. Ko ona matua me tona whanau e akiaki ana ia ia ia ra, ia ra. Ko ratou tana whakaaro; e tohu ana ratou i te tikanga o te patunga tapu i roto i tona oranga. Ko a raatau korero, ina koa ko nga wahine o te whanau o Zoya, na te mea i kaha ai tana tuhi ki te mahi auaha me te tirohanga.



Te Kaiwaiata Rangatahi a Sonoma County, 2020-21

I mahi a Zoya Ahmed hei Kaiwaiata Rangatahi tuatahi mo te Kaute o Sonoma i te tau 2020-21. I haere a Zoya ki te Kura Tuarua o Maria Carrillo i Sonoma County. Kei te awhi a Zoya i ona ahuatanga rereke hei reanga tuatahi o Amerika ki te Tonga ki te Tonga, e rua ona pakiaka i Pakistan me Inia. Ko tenei taonga tuku iho karakara tona puku. Ia ra ka whakamanahia a Zoya ki te whakapau kaha ki te whakatutuki i ana whainga, ka whakaitihia e nga whai waahi ka whakawhiwhia ki a ia, me te whakatenatena ki te whakahoki ki te hapori. Ko ona matua me tona whanau e akiaki ana ia ia ia ra, ia ra. Ko ratou tana whakaaro; e tohu ana ratou i te tikanga o te patunga tapu i roto i tona oranga. Ko a raatau korero, ina koa ko nga wahine o te whanau o Zoya, na te mea i kaha ai tana tuhi ki te mahi auaha me te tirohanga.

Mana pupuri 2018  California Poets in the Schools

501 (c) (3) huakore | Waea waea 415.221.4201 |  Pouaka Pouaka 1328, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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