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CalPoets '2021 Virtual Poetry Symposium

Sat, Aug 21



Lowani nafe pamwambo wapamwamba kwambiri, kumapeto kwa sabata, ndakatulo ndi Tongo Eisen-Martin KWAULERE ~ NDI ZOTHANDIZA

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CalPoets '2021 Virtual Poetry Symposium
CalPoets '2021 Virtual Poetry Symposium

Time & Location

Aug 21, 2021, 9:00 AM – Aug 22, 2021, 4:00 PM


About the event



Msonkhano wotsogola uwu, wakumapeto kwa mlungu wa Ndakatulo wokonzekera anthu onse, achinyamata, omwe ali ndi chidwi ndi zolembalemba - kuphatikiza ndakatulo, olemba, aphunzitsi, ophunzira ndi ena.  Zopereka zidzaphatikizapo zokambirana zolembera, kuwerenga ndakatulo, ndi mawonedwe okonzekera kuphunzitsa ndakatulo m'madera ammudzi.  Padzakhala mndandanda wathunthu wazopereka Loweruka - Lamlungu, Ogasiti 21st-Ogasiti 22nd, 2021.  Kulembetsa ndikofunikira koma olembetsa amatha kusankha ndikusankha zokambirana zomwe angachite nawo.  Msonkhanowu udzachitika pa ZOOM ngati mawonekedwe amisonkhano. Nkhani yosiyiranayi ndi yaulere.  Zopereka zimalimbikitsidwa kuti zitithandize kulipira malipiro kwa owonetsa, ndi kupanga zochitika. 

Kwa zaka 57, California Poets in the Schools yabweretsa matsenga amphamvu akupanga ndakatulo ndikuchita bwino kwa ophunzira opitilira miliyoni imodzi.  Ntchito yathu ndi yofunika kwambiri kuposa kale lonse!  Kafukufuku akuwonetsa kuti kutenga nawo gawo kwa ophunzira muzaluso kumayenderana ndi kupititsa patsogolo maphunziro, kuchuluka kwa mayeso okhazikika, kutenga nawo mbali kwambiri pantchito zapagulu komanso kutsika kwachiwopsezo chosiyira. 


Kupanga ndi luso #1 lomwe mukufuna pamsika wamasiku ano wantchito.  Ulangizo wa ndakatulo umapangitsa chifundo ndi kudzimva kuti ndi wofunika m'kalasi.  Ndakatulo ndi zaluso zitha kukhala chida champhamvu, chochiritsa masukulu ndi madera omwe akuchira ku masoka achilengedwe ndi zoopsa zina monga chiwawa cha mfuti.  Msonkhano wakumapeto kwa sabata uno ndi wotseguka kwa anthu onse ndipo ukukonzekera akatswiri ophunzitsa zolemba (kwa omvera onse), ophunzitsa m'kalasi, olemba ndakatulo, ofuna MFA ndi zina.  Zomwe zili munkhaniyo zidzakhudza omwe ali atsopano pophunzitsa zaluso zolembalemba komanso "zipewa zakale" pakati pathu.

Msonkhanowu udzachitika ngati Msonkhano wa Zoom.  Ena mwa zokambiranazo zitha kukhala ndi anthu opitilira zana limodzi, pomwe zokambirana zina zitha kukhala zapamtima kwambiri.  Ndife okondwa kugwiritsa ntchito bwino kwambiri malo amsonkhanowu kuti tilimbikitse maukonde athu komanso kumanga anthu.

Omwe adalembetsa okha ndi omwe adzalandira zambiri zolowera. Ndinu olandiridwa kuti mupite ku msonkhano wonse kapena kusankha ndikusankha zokambirana zomwe zikugwirizana ndi zomwe mumakonda.  Palibe chifukwa cholembera ma workshop ena pasadakhale. Ingotulukani ndikupita ku zokambirana pogwiritsa ntchito ulalo wa Zoom womwe udzaperekedwa. 

Ngakhale kuyimba foni ku msonkhano wosiyirana kungatheke, kuti mukhale ndi msonkhano wabwino kwambiri, timalimbikitsa kulowa pakompyuta yokhala ndi kulumikizana kwabwino kwa wifi.  Msonkhanowu udzakhazikitsidwa kotero kuti aliyense wopezekapo aziwoneka kwa gulu lonse, komabe mutha kuzimitsa kapena kuyatsa kamera yanu.  Onse omwe atenga nawo mbali azingokhala chete, komabe pakhoza kukhala nthawi yomwe m'modzi kapena angapo otenga nawo mbali asiya kulankhula kuti agawane ndi gulu. 

Tongo Eisen Martin:  Wochokera ku San Francisco, Tongo Eisen-Martin ndi wolemba ndakatulo, wogwira ntchito zoyenda, komanso mphunzitsi. Maphunziro ake aposachedwa okhudza kupha anthu akuda mopanda chilungamo, akuti, We Charge Genocide Again, akhala akugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chida chophunzitsira komanso chokonzekera m'dziko lonselo. Buku lake lotchedwa, "Someone's Dead Already" linasankhidwa kuti likhale la California Book Award. Buku lake laposachedwa la "Heaven Is All Goodbyes" lofalitsidwa ndi gulu la City Lights Pocket Poets, lidasankhidwa kukhala Mphotho ya Ndakatulo ya Griffins ndipo adapambana Mphotho ya California Book Award ndi American Book Award. Buku lake lomwe likubwera la "Blood On the Fog" likutulutsidwa kugwa uku mu mndandanda wa Ndakatulo za City Lights Pocket. Iye ndi wolemba ndakatulo wachisanu ndi chitatu ku San Francisco.


  Zambiri kuphatikizapo ndondomeko ya msonkhano, zikubwera. 



    The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

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  • FREE + $100 DONATION

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended
  • FREE + $250 DONATION

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Invitation information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended
  • FREE + $500 DONATION

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended
  • FREE + $1,000 DONATION

    Thanks for supporting California Poets in the Schools in these uncertain times. We value your contribution to our community. The conference will likely be hosted on Zoom. Login information will be sent to registrants a week prior to the event.

    Sale ended



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