A Community Celebration of Voices
Sonoma County! Please come out this Saturday April 24th, to add your voice to the Poetrees- Santa Rosa! Margo Perin and Marci Klane will be onsite, at the corner of 4th Street and E Street (in front of Barnes and Noble) from 12pm-3pm with materials and prompts. We are collecting community voices to document this historical moment in time. All contributions will be saved on our website below.
Can't make it downtown? Send your poem to info@cpits.org by Saturday April 24th. We'll transcribe or print it and add it to the Poetrees for you!
Include your name, and town if you wish.
Try these prompts to get you started:
Write a five line poem where every line begins with "I wish..."
Write a five line poem where every line begins with: "On the other side of the Pandemic..."
This interactive poetic project encourages a thoughtful community dialogue amongst all participants. CalPoets hopes to inspire residents and visitors to have fun as they engage with the creativity, beauty and strength that poetry offers. Social distancing and safety measures are in place.
The final installation of the Open & Out program, the Poetrees project was made possible, in part, with funds from Creative Sonoma, the County of Sonoma and the National Endowment for the Arts. Collaborating artists are Marci Klane and Margo Perin (see bios below). Additional support was provided by the Santa Rosa Downtown District, Santa Rosa Metro Chamber and the City of Santa Rosa.

Collaborating Artist Bios:
Marci Klane is a multidisciplinary artist, incorporating sculpture, painting, puppetry, performance and poetry in her individual and community-based works, which have been exhibited in the San Francisco Bay Area, including the Santa Rosa Art Center, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, the Oakland Museum, and in Chicago and Europe, as well as privately collected. www.marciklane.com
Margo Perin is the Sonoma County Regional Coordinator for California Poets in the Schools. A nominee for the Pushcart Prize, Margo Perin’s publications include Plexiglass; The Opposite of Hollywood; Only the Dead Can Kill: Stories from Jail; and How I Learned to Cook & Other Writings on Complex Mother-Daughter Relationships. She is the poet of San Francisco’s public memorial Spiral of Gratitude and co-founder of Whoa Nelly Press, whose mission is to publish unheard, marginalized voices. www.margoperin.com